Paper: Economic Dynamic and Demographic Problematic of the Welfare State in Europe. The 7th Annual Conference on Political Economy. Portugal. By Dr. Salam Al Rabadi.

Salam Al Rabadi
2 min readApr 1, 2024


The 7th Annual Conference on Political Economy. Associação Portuguesa de Economia Política\ ISEG Lisbon School of Economics and Management . Jan 2024,Portugal.

Europe is expected to face a decline in the number of working-age population and a possible decline in the size of the labor force. Inevitably, this reality will raise strategic questions about the available European options and alternatives, especially at the level of the dialectical relationship between demographic growth, the welfare state. It is clear that the future of the welfare state in Europe stands on unstable economic ground. Which will have fateful implications at all levels. As a result of declining demographic growth, rising aging, and widening social, economic and political inequality, Europe’s long-term welfare state is in question.

Consequently, these changes will result in a number of challenges that are likely to be of great importance in the coming decades. Therefore, this reality requires raising many question marks related to the following problematic:

1- Can protect the welfare state and continue economic growth under the weight of a declining fertility rate and a high aging rate?

Is there a current model (European or global) that confirms this?



Salam Al Rabadi

Doctor of Philosophy in Political Science \ Author and Researcher in International Relations.